Diamond & Floyd-Full Service Toronto Marketing Agency


Training Programs


Strategic Partners


Companies Active

In a world where large corporations exercise considerable influence and financial might, often at the expense of ethical business practices, we recognize the need for change. These corporate entities shape societal norms and values through strategic propaganda, influencing our collective perception of the world.

At Diamond & Floyd, we take a different approach. We believe in empowering our clients and partners to challenge the status quo, counter market dominance, and strive for genuine, long-term success and prosperity. We provide our clients with strategies honed through ethical practices, enabling them to thrive in the ever-competitive marketplace.

Join us in reshaping the business landscape and creating a more equitable future for all.

Media Relations

Experience our expertly crafted strategies are designed to elevate your brand's presence and reputation, ensuring maximum impact in today's dynamic media landscape.

Workshops and Resources

Gain access to Fortune-500 insights and tap into our rich internal resources through workshops and tailored resources, empowering informed decision-making for sustainable growth.

Competitive Advantages

Benefit from dedicated tech support through Diamond Care and exclusive access to private communication channels, ensuring you maintain a competitive edge in your industry.

Future Prosperity

Our robust long-term strategies are meticulously planned to drive exponential business growth and market dominance, while also prioritizing effective reputation management for sustained success.

Our promise is simple: we're here to support your journey because your success is our success.

Invitation-Only Partner Program

Program Overview

The clients we serve are our extended family, and with family being our core value, we have create multiple facets for our clients. Our program offers an array of exclusive benefits to our partners, ensuring mutual success and growth.

Data & Research

Unlock valuable insights and informed decision-making through our comprehensive Data & Research available. Stay ahead with our Data & Research making informed decisions in a dynamic landscape.

Discovery & Insights

Embark on a journey of discovery and gain profound insights with Diamond&Floyd’s Partner Program. Uncover hidden opportunities, harness deep insights to make informed decisions and drive success.

Why us?

Honesty and Trustworthiness

Our ethical principles are rooted in honesty and trustworthiness. You cancount on us to provide transparent and straightforward communication, and to always act with integrity in everything we do.

Building Relationships

Our focus on relationships goes beyond providing great results. We are committed to investing in long-term partnerships that foster growth, collaboration, and your success.

Delivering on Our Promises

Our commitment to you is that we will follow through on what we say we will do, every time. We are dedicated to providing reliable, timely, and effective marketing services to help your business thrive.

Can-Do Attitude

We approach every challenge with a positive and can-do attitude. We believe that with hard work, determination, and a willingness to take calculated risks, anything is possible.

Discover a Wealth of Resources